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En 2024, les 14 e rencontres Chimie & Terroir auront lieu du 23 au 25 mai à Baccarat (Meurthe-et-Moselle). les classes seront accueillies sur...
En cette période de fake news et d’appel universel aux experts, Chimie et Société rappelle que l’expertise scientifique, les conditions de son...
Discovering Chemistry To lead workshops at home or to illustrate lessons, Chimie et Société invites you to discover two compilations of experiments,...
La ville de Baccarat accueillera à la Salle des Fêtes , du 23 au 25 mai 2024 la 14 e édition des rencontres "Chimie & Terroir". Rencontrez et...
En 2024, les 14 e rencontres Chimie & Terroir auront lieu du 23 au 25 mai à Baccarat (Meurthe-et-Moselle). les classes seront accueillies sur...
The IUPAC Paris 2019 congress included a three-session " Chemistry and Society " Symposium . S4.1 Chemistry and Society: current knowledge S4.2...
Chimie et Société invites you to watch the debates Three round tables conducted by Guillaume Tixier in January 2019 at Palais de la découverte...
Chimie et Société vous convie à Trois tables rondes animées par Guillaume Tixier en janvier 2019 au Palais de la découverte Venez échanger sur...
You can experience or relive the "Chemistry & Terroir" 2019 meeting that took place in Carhaix at the end of May in the very good material...
La ville de Mourenx (64) accueillera la 9ème édition des rencontres "Chimie & Terroir". Rencontrez et échangez avec les animateurs autour...
The "Chimie & Terroir" meeting 2017 in Mourenx took place in very good material conditions and a very good atmosphere. 750 students and teachers...

Chemistry and Society organized the symposium "Chemistry and Society" among the 35 proposed last July on the occasion of the IUPAC 2019 Congress which celebrated the centenary of the creation of IUPAC * in Paris.

* The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) was founded in 1919 by academic and industrial chemists. IUPAC is interested in progress in chemistry, physical chemistry, biochemistry, etc. Its members are national chemical societies. It is the recognized authority for the development of rules for the nomenclature, symbols and terminology of chemical elements and their derivatives, standard methods for measurement, atomic weights and other data.

The symposium "Chemistry and Society" consisted of three sessions:

S4.1: Chemistry and Society - current knowledge

S4.2: Scientific outreach vs. teaching, perception and communication in chemistry

S4.3: Chemistry and Society - Intensifying the Dialogue

In partnership with the rectorat de l’académie de Paris, 17 conferences were recorded during sessions 4.1 and 4.2.


S4.1   Chemistry and Society: current knowledge

Ryôji NOYORI Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2001, Nagoya University, Center for Research and Development Strategy, Japan Science and Technology Agency
A message from Professor Ryôji Noyori


Christophe SENE, Stepan
A continuum from hard legislation to soft legislation to social pressure: Is chemistry free to innovate under this straitjacket? How to dialogue between stackholders?

Diane PURCHASE, Middlesex University, UK
E-waste - an emerging 21st century global grand challenge: Global occurence, chemical properties and ecological impacts.

Leonardo PANTOJA MUNOZ, Middlesex University, UK
Microplastics and wet-wipes: Should they be flushed into the sewer system?

Liz HARRIMAN, TURI, University of Massachusetts
Toxics Use Reduction - reducing hazard benefits society and the value chain.

Michel CLAESSENS, European Commission, Directorate for Energy, ITER
On behalf of Martin W. BAUER, London school of economics
The public understanding of chemistry, does it differ from perceptions of science in general?

Nicolas CUDRE-MAUROUX, Solvay group
Facts, science and emotions.

Rogiero TELES, Instituto Federal do Maranhão - IFMA, São Luís, Brazil
Regional chemistry Council of the 11th region as a way to ensure the supply of good products and services to society.


S4.2   Scientific outreach vs teaching, perception and communication in chemistry

Carla MORAIS, Universidade do Porto
Chemistry by the letter: Etymology as root and route for science communication.

Corinne ARROUVEL, Universidade federal de São Carlos, Sorocaba
The wave-matter duality in music

Didier PERRET, Chimiscope, Université de Genève
Needs of a new chemist's role model for novice Citizen.

Elisabeth RASEKOALA, African Gong
Advancing chemistry education and communication in Africa : Challenges and prospects for transformation in policy, practice and capacity-building.

Fabienne CRETTAZ VON ROTEN, University of Lausanne
Chimists' public engagement in Switzerland: representations, practices, incentives and barriers.

Karine BICHET-RAMON, académie de Toulouse and IRES
Critical skills for students

Martin WALKER, State University of New York
Making chemistry open and affordable through technology and Open Educational Resources (OER)

Polina MIKHEL, Université de Lorraine
Towards a multilingual resource on the language of chemistry: A lexical network approach.


Awards ceremony
Artwork competition of Chemistry: A European Journal celebrating the 150th year of the Periodic Table.