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A commission of the Fondation de la
Maison de la chimie


Developments in science and technology have created a large number of societal expectations; education and outreach of scientific and technical culture has become essential. In order to conduct an informed democratic debate, scientists must share their knowledge with citizens for allowing them to build their own opinion on the advances of science. Many actors strive to clarify scientific data related to societal debates, in order to make them accessible, in particular through motivating and attractive outreach activities.


"Chimie et Société", a commission set up in 2001 within the Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie, participates in the effort to promote scientific and technical culture on the basis of examples of its sector of activity. Chimie et Société is an actor in the mediation of chemistry and is actively involved in the Science-Society debate. Indeed, Chimie et Société is particularly aware of the need to engage constructive debates with citizens and to show them the powers but also the limits of science.



jardinmaisondelachimie28 rue Saint Dominique 75007 PARIS
Tel : 01 40 62 27 49
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Founding members of the "Chimie et Société" commission

Académie de Pharmacie

Académie des Sciences - Section de Chimie

Académie des Technologies

Association des Journalistes Scientifiques

de Presse d'Information

CNRS - Département des Sciences Chimiques

Comité National de la Chimie

Fédération Gay-Lussac

Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie

Ministère de la Jeunesse,

de l'Éducation Nationale et de la Recherche

Palais de la Découverte

Société de Chimie Industrielle

Société de Chimie Thérapeutique

Société Française de Chimie

Union des Industries Chimiques

Professeurs de Physique et de Chimie

Union des Professeurs de Spéciales